Action required! (Potentially)
Security and privacy is always a concern at Cloudbeds, and the time has come to update our OAuth library to the industry and technology standards.
Starting June 1st, 2020 we’ll be using the JWT (JSON Web Token) standard for our OAuth tokens. If you’re wondering, it’s pronounced “jot”. :)
JWT is an advanced and extremely secure standard that defines a set of “claims” that can be transferred across different entities to describe an agent’s identity and authenticity. Applying the concept to our API, it means the access token will carry information about who authenticated the session, for which scopes, for which client.
Every API request begins with this same step: it needs to identify which API client it is, which Cloudbeds user it’s impersonating, which scopes were given access to it. If this information is available on the token, this step becomes much quicker, since we’ll do less I/O, we’ll reduce DB usage, and responses will be generated quicker.
Are you're worried that anyone could inject information into it to try to impersonate other API clients, or another Cloudbeds user, or even grant itself access to other scopes? Fret not! The JWT standard allows the tokens to be encrypted, which is what we’re doing here.
Sice now the tokens carry information, and because the amount of information can change (how many scopes were assigned to an API session, for example), their size will significantly increase. Currently, our tokens (authorization code, access token and refresh token) are 40 characters long. Depending on the encoded values, the token size will average from 600 to 1000 characters.
This means that you’re expected to store up to 2000 chars, just to be safe, and since we’re here, let’s round it up to 2048 characters (2kb). Depending on how your database is set up this could be a critical adjustment therefore immediate action is required on your part.
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